At 20 weeks pregnant, you are half way through your pregnancy already. By pregnancy week 20, you have completed half the journey of your pregnancy. Healthy eating, drinking enough fluids, regular workouts, comfortable maternity clothes, enough rest, a supportive pregnancy pillow, and taking childbirth classes can all be the weapons to complete the remaining half of the pregnancy.
When you are 20 weeks pregnant, the majority of the dangers of the pregnancy have passed, but there are still various important changes to take place. You may experience restlessness and sleeplessness as your baby grows older. Your life will be really complicated when you become heavier.
Even if you have a complication, this is the time to relax and avoid stress because your stress may cause stress in your baby. Living with a positive attitude can greatly help your growing baby.
Symptoms experienced:
With the increased belly size, there is a great deal of pressure on your stomach, lungs, kidneys, and bladder, thus causing you to take more frequent bathroom visits.
Indigestion, heartburn, and shortness of breath can all be the result of hormonal fluctuations and your growing uterus. Also, you may feel more perspiration because, during pregnancy, your thyroid will become more active.
In pregnancy week 20, you may also notice a thin, milky-colored, and slightly odorous vaginal discharge. Don’t panic; it is normal for most pregnant women. Though it is uncomfortable, this discharge can actually protect the vagina from infection and keep a healthy balance of bacteria in the vagina. If the discharge becomes more thick, yellowish, bloody, or watery, then it could be a sign of a more serious condition.
Headaches are also common during this time and could become even worse when you feel overheated. People have severe symptoms during this time. Take frequent breaks and wear loose-fitting clothing to avoid these conditions.

Physical changes that occur in a 20 weeks pregnant woman:
If you’re 20 weeks pregnant, the line between the pubic hair and belly button starts to darken. The line will look dark brown or almost black in color. But don’t worry about this; it will fade after childbirth.
You can clearly experience the baby’s moves as the movements will become stronger this week. This may be the moment that your fetal age ultrasound scan for pregnancy is scheduled.
Some women may have a hard time seeing the eye chart. The higher levels of estrogen in the eyes cause dry eyes and vision difficulties. The increased estrogen levels can trigger swelling changes in the eyes that can make the eyeball bulge outward. Changes typically disappear following a pregnancy. You may notice that your navel is protruding outward. As the uterus drives your abdomen further, your innie belly button may suddenly change into an outie. Childbirth
Fetal changes that occur:
When you are 20 weeks pregnant, your baby is about 10.5 inches long and weighs about 10.5 ounces.
Even after birth, your baby will continue to swallow and breathe in order to prepare. During this period, the baby’s head may look slightly larger than the remaining body.
The baby’s bones still continue to ossify to become strong and tight. The completion of the finger and toe pads.
The baby’s developing tooth buds are tucked away under the gum line. During this period, the baby’s skin continues to get thicker and more complex as each week passes.
Limbs come very close and attain their relative positions. The baby’s lips now become more structured, and they help the baby with prenatal thumb sucking.
For baby boys, this is the time for their tiny testicles to descend, but they still don’t exceed the abdominal wall.
Baby’s eyelashes and eyebrows are clearly visible, and during this time, your baby almost seems like a miniature baby.
The development of brown fat is taking place in the areas of the neck, chest, and crotch. By this time, your baby may also attain well-developed sleep and wake patterns. Vomiting in pregnancy
What care should be taken by a 20 weeks pregnant woman?
When you visit your healthcare provider for a 20-week pregnancy ultrasound, your doctor may measure your abdomen to check the baby’s growth. The baby’s size can be measured from the top of the pubic bone to the top of the uterus.
When you are 20 weeks pregnant, it is very important to take iron supplements and consume iron-rich foods, such as green vegetables, beans, and liver. As hot flashes are common during this period, it is really important to keep the room cool and wear comfortable, light clothes.
Before you go to bed, try to drink chamomile tea or a glass of warm milk along with honey, as it can help you relax and give you a good night’s sleep.
Have a wonderful pregnancy experience! Go on to know more about the exciting things during pregnancy week 21…