You may feel less graceful and a little fuzzy-headed, but when you are 15 weeks pregnant, all those dreadful symptoms have gone away. This is the time to enjoy your pregnancy and develop communication with your baby.
By 15 weeks pregnant, the abdomen starts to look quite bloated as the unborn baby gets bigger each day. If you haven’t gotten your maternity clothes yet, now is the time to buy them because your old jeans may not fit you properly. It may be frustrating for you to find the right clothes because you are too small for maternity clothes and too big for your regular clothes.
During pregnancy week 15, the position of the uterus is halfway between the pubic bone and your belly button. Also, the period between week 15 and week 16 is the most vital period for you because soon you will know the sex of your unborn baby. The week also brings various changes for you and the baby inside.
This is the week that brings pregnancy confusion to most mothers-to-be. The symptoms of pregnancy confusion include:
- Difficult to concentrate on things
- Feeling slower than the usual
- Tendency to daydreaming
Don’t panic about these things, as they are perfectly normal with the changes in hormone levels occurring this week. Read on to know more about the exciting features of 15 weeks pregnant…
Symptoms experienced by a 15 weeks pregnant woman:
The internal organs begin to shift their position to make room for the baby-to-be as your belly grows larger. The smaller the space, the less you can eat at large meals. If this is the case, you need to eat smaller meals more frequently to satisfy the nutrition needs of your baby. When the stomach space is smaller, you may also experience pregnancy symptoms like heartburn, flatulence, and indigestion.
As each week passes, the volume of blood also increases to satisfy extra nutrition needs. Increased blood flow means more visits to the bathroom for you. You may also experience water retention as a 15-week pregnancy symptom.
To hold the expanded uterus, the ligaments are stretched to accommodate the growth. This process can cause cramping and a pulling sensation on either side of your lower abdomen. To overcome these symptoms, take a warm bath to get some relief.
Some women may experience sudden 15-week pregnancy symptoms like excessive bleeding. This is a common symptom, but sometimes it causes little discomfort.

Most pregnant women are susceptible to some common illnesses because their immune systems are compromised during pregnancy. So, you need to take more precautionary measures to protect yourself from germs. For example, you should wash your hands after using the pubic area. Here are the most common illnesses to which pregnant women are susceptible:
- Abdominal pain
- Urinary tract infection
- Nosebleeds
- Stuffy nose
- Breast leakage
- Hair and skin changes
Physical changes that occur in a 15 weeks pregnant woman:
The uterus starts developing past the hip bones at any time after you enter the 15th week of pregnancy. You can also experience this condition 3–4 inches underneath the navel. Binge Eating
When you consult the doctor for a prenatal checkup, the doctor will measure the “fundal height,” which is the space between the top of your uterus and the pubic bone. This is measured to determine whether the baby’s growth is adequate and consistent.
Fetal changes that occur:
This week your baby is about 93–104 mm (3.7–4.1 inches) in length and weighs approximately 50 grams (1.75 ounces). This week also, there is rapid development taking place in your baby. The fetus looks more and more like a baby.
The eyes and ears of the baby are well developed, and the baby’s body is covered by lanugo, which is fine, downy hair developed on the baby’s body to protect the little one’s skin. Further extension of the neck makes the chin look more prominent. The head looks more defined, and the little one may start sucking the thumb.
Your little one frequently gets the hiccups, which the baby learns to do before breathing. Also, the baby doesn’t make any sound because the windpipe is filled with fluid instead of air.
The baby’s legs are growing longer than his arms, and he can move his limbs and joints. Genitals are well developed, so you can now know the sex of your baby. Pregnancy Diet chart
What care should be taken by a 15 weeks pregnant woman?
Practicing pelvic floor exercises is very important throughout life, particularly during pregnancy and after childbirth. You can practice these exercises in a sitting or lying-down position. Close the back passage by drawing it in as if to avoid passing the wind. Count one to four and then relax. Practice this three to four times a day.
Apart from these exercises, it is essential to maintain a regular exercise regimen. Do swimming, walking, and prenatal yoga. Practicing enough exercises during pregnancy can help with back pain and provide suppleness during pregnancy
You can also consider joining the antenatal classes. Whether you are a first-time mother or want a refresher course, you can benefit from a structured class. These classes can help you be well prepared for the rigors of labor and birth. IVF
Have a wonderful pregnancy experience! Go on to know more about the exciting things during pregnancy week 16…