Morning sickness will almost come to an end. When you reach 11 weeks pregnant,
Most pregnancy symptoms become significantly less severe. Particularly, the most debilitating symptoms, such as nausea, morning sickness, vomiting, etc., will be significantly reduced.
11 weeks pregnant means you are almost at the end of the first trimester, so now is the time to share the good news with your near and dear ones, especially in the professional circle.
Pregnancy week 11 brings about several changes for you and your growing baby. From this week on, you may feel a little bit better when compared to previous weeks. If you want to go on vacation, this week might be the best time. Chorioamnionitis
Read on to know more about the wonderful things of 11th-week pregnancy…
Symptoms experienced in 11 Weeks Pregnant:
If morning sickness is the symptom that still bothers you, this will come to an end by this weekend. As the severity of most pregnancy symptoms decreases this week, you will begin gaining weight at a rate of about 1 pound per week.
For some women, nausea and morning sickness last for nine months. If you are one of those, then don’t panic. Consult your healthcare provider and get a checkup on all the changes happening with you; they will give useful advice to reduce those symptoms.
During pregnancy week 11, some women may also experience hot flashes. Don’t be concerned about the condition; it’s perfectly normal. Sleep problems are also the most common complaint in week 11 of pregnancy. Pitocin
Physical changes that occur:
The placenta’s growth continues this week, and there is also a rapid development of the baby’s pituitary glands, so your body will get a break from hormone production by pregnancy week 11.
By the end of the 11th week of pregnancy, the position of the uterus rises slightly above your pelvic bones. This can be recognized by performing an external exam.
Linea nigra, a dark vertical line running from the navel to the pubic hair, will be examined shortly. The fingernails and hair will grow rapidly during the pregnancy, and if it is not happening when you are 11 weeks pregnant, it will certainly happen within a few days.
It is the 11th week of pregnancy – have you started practicing the Kegels yet? If not, now is a great time to start. Practicing Kegel exercises will help greatly in the later stages of pregnancy and childbirth. Kegels are nothing but the contraction of vaginal muscles as you urinate. After a few days, you can even do this while standing. Kegels strengthen the pelvic floor and tone the vaginal and perineal areas. This method is the most effective for preparing the pelvic area for birth dilation. Progesterone
The increased blood flow in your body makes you look much more beautiful each day. The high blood volume brings a glow to your face.

Fetal changes that occur in an 11-week pregnant woman:
Your baby is approximately 44–60 mm (1.75–2.4 inches) long and weighs about 8 grams (0.3 ounces). This is the time for the rapid growth of your baby, so it is obvious to feel a little bit tired.
The majority of the baby’s parts had almost completely separated by this week. From this week on, your baby will be busy kicking and stretching. Baby’s movements are so fluid that they look like water ballets. Baby movements will be more frequent with the growth of the body.
Most of the baby’s development will tail off within the next few weeks. The major task for the next six months will be to become stronger and larger until the baby can survive outside the uterus.
The baby can move his hands and the palms can sense anything. However, you may not feel the baby’s movements and activities. The movements will become more recognizable when the bones become harder and the muscle strength of the fetus increases.
When you reach the end of pregnancy, in week 11, the baby’s smell and additional olfactory senses will start to develop. The baby can experience the first taste and smell when the taste buds combine with these senses.
Many of the baby’s internal organs start functioning, and various external features like fingernails, toenails, and hair will begin to develop.
Also, the development of reproductive organs will become more rapid this week. When you get an 11-week pregnancy ultrasound, you can also observe how the baby’s fists open and close.
What care should be taken?
You need to be very conscious of the food you eat, especially increasing the intake of foods rich in vitamins and minerals. Before eating, just think that if the food doesn’t do any good for you, it may not do any good for your growing baby.
It is natural to feel more hungry as the pregnancy progresses, even immediately after eating a meal. But don’t satisfy your hunger by eating ice cream or dessert. Consider eating fresh fruits, whole grain bread, or any kind of nuts, as they are nutrient-rich and help greatly with the healthy growth of your baby.
Frequent headaches are common during this time, so being hydrated will help avoid the condition. Also, some foods you consume in higher quantities may cause harm to your growth. Mercury can be dangerous if you eat fish. So, more significant fish consumption is highly avoidable during pregnancy.
Remember that whatever you eat, take only the required amounts because eating during pregnancy will make your postpartum weight loss extremely difficult. Sensible and healthy eating is highly recommended until you give birth to your child.
Have a wonderful pregnancy journey! Go on to know more about exciting things during pregnancy week 12…