Good time to reveal the news of your pregnancy, When you are 12 weeks pregnant, if you have
any tough time dealing with symptoms like fatigue, nausea, and moodiness, it is recommended to take a break. You are now entered into the second trimester, so it is suggested to be stress-free and relax as much as you can until the end of your pregnancy. It will be good both for you and your developing baby.
Pregnancy week 12 also brings several changes in you and your baby. Now the focus is on the beginning of the pregnancy’s second trimester. A lot of growth most appropriately distinguishes this period for you and your baby.
Now, your near and dear ones can see the physical signs of your pregnancy, so prepare for lots of questions and congratulations. The second trimester is the easiest stage of pregnancy, with morning sickness disappearing and many more new changes making your pregnancy even more beautiful. Read on to know more about pregnancy week 12…
Symptoms experienced at 12 Weeks Pregnant:
Pregnancy not only brings physical changes but also disturbs you mentally. You may have odd dreams during pregnancy, so don’t panic about the condition. It is entirely normal. Dreams during pregnancy may be very strange, such as some may dream that they are about to give birth to an animal or that aliens have taken them over.
If you are also dreaming about anything, make a journal of all those things. It is okay if they are positive, but if you dream strangely, you need to work to avoid such conditions.
Heartburn might still be a symptom in 12 weeks, pregnant women, due to the high progesterone hormone levels in the body.
Physical changes that occur at 12-Week Pregnant:
The size of the uterus grows along with the growth of the little one. The uterus is stretched about the size of a softball i.e. about 12-14 cm. Of course, it is a very little change because the uterus size will increase by around 15-17 inches by the time of your delivery.

Generally, uterus size stretches around 1 cm every week. This growing uterus will move up and forward inside the body. Though your baby’s movements may not be noticeable yet, you can observe those beautiful movements by pressing your abdomen.
Also, you may experience several skin changes in pregnancy week 12. If you notice freckles on the skin, after the 12th week, they will become darker. Also, the skin around the nipples and areolas will become darker.
The increased blood volume synchronously with increased hormone levels can give you a more radiant look. Hormonal fluctuations will increase the secretion of oil glands in your body, thus resulting in a flushed, smooth, and plumper skin appearance. The greater increase in oil gland secretion can lead to acne and brown skin patches on the face and neck for some women. Usually, all these symptoms are called pregnancy masks, disappearing after childbirth.
Fetal changes that occur:
Your baby is approximately 60mm (2.5 inches) in length and weighs between 9 and 14 grams (0.3-0.5 ounces). This week, the baby’s movements increased slightly, but they are still too small to be noticed.
From this week, you can hear the baby’s heartbeat with a Doppler device, a special heartbeat listening device. Baby’s skeletal system which began development in the earlier weeks now has centers of bone formation in most bones.
The baby’s facial features will become much more prominent, and the little chin lifts off the face. The baby still tries to lift and straighten the neck and head.
The Baby’s respiratory system starts functioning and practices breathing with the help of amniotic fluid. This makes the lungs strong, and the baby can survive outside.
The digestive system starts functioning and releases some waste products discharged from your system. Also, the baby passes urine into the amniotic fluid.
Tooth buds are now noticeable. Eyes and ears are now in the right position, and facial features are more pronounced this week.
Baby’s sex organs start their development, and soon you will know the sex of your baby.
The development of nerve cells becomes more rapid, and the brain releases some hormones. Still, the placenta produces the required hormones for a baby’s growth and development.
Your baby can cry for hours, even without making a sound. This week is the start of the moment when the baby feels pain.
Your baby may even start sucking the thumb, and you can see it in a 12 weeks pregnant ultrasound. The baby may be able to recognize the noise and react to it. Chorioamnionitis
The Best Care to be Taken
Feeling a burning sensation from the throat straight to the breast bone may indicate heartburn or acid indigestion. To reduce this unpleasant symptom, you need to follow certain things, such as eating smaller portions and avoiding fried, salty, fatty, and spicy foods, particularly when you reach pregnancy week 12.
Wearing sunscreen is very important to protect your skin from the harmful effects of the sun. Ask your healthcare provider regarding any precautions. Symptoms of Pregnancy
Avoid too many vitamins A products, such as yellow and dark green vegetables, yellow fruits, such as broccoli, carrots, spinach, turnip greens, pumpkin, squash, sweet potatoes, apricots, and cantaloupe, and in animal sources such as milk, liver, whole eggs, butter, and cheese. Higher vitamin A levels are very harmful to your baby as they can cause jaundice and damage the liver.
Strictly avoid smoking and alcohol consumption. Smoking during pregnancy can cause asthma. Studies said that women who don’t smoke during pregnancy might decrease their children’s chances of developing asthma by 5-15%.
Talk with other future moms and join online communities and forums. Socializing during your pregnancy will help to increase your comfort levels and help you understand the many more beautiful aspects of pregnancy. Intrauterine
Have a wonderful journey of pregnancy!! Go on to know more about exciting things during pregnancy week 13.