Now the baby is full-term! The 37 weeks pregnant period is termed the “full-term stage.”
Finally, the baby is full-term. Congratulations to both you and the baby! Usually, 37–41 weeks are considered full-term pregnancy periods. This period is the time for your baby to prepare for birth. Some pregnant women at this time may feel extremely stressed, whereas some others are extremely anxious to see their little one.
The cervix may begin to dilate in preparation for labor. This indicates, the mucus plug that closes off the uterus from bacteria and infection will start discharging from your body. This mucus plug can be discharged from your body weeks, days, or even hours before you go into labor. Telehealth in Maternal Care
As no one can predict the baby’s arrival, it is a good idea to know about the labor signs and symptoms thoroughly. Read on to know more about the true labor signs and symptoms…
Symptoms experienced by a 37 weeks pregnant woman:
Because you are now full-term, your baby could arrive at any time between weeks 37 and 42 of pregnancy. It is the right time to pack your hospital bags and make them ready. For first time mothers-to-be, it will be quite confusing to decide what to pack in the bag. You can ask women who have already delivered their babies.
During this period, you may experience insomnia, which is common in most pregnant women. With the larger belly size, obviously, it will be difficult to get a good night’s sleep. Also, you are possibly experiencing frequent urination. Leg cramps are also a common condition that will bother most 37 weeks pregnant women. Getting worried about the upcoming labor and delivery can also lead to insomnia during the last few weeks of pregnancy.
You may also experience more vaginal discharge during this period. If you have any discharge of mucus tinged with blood, then the condition is a bloody show. This indicates a sign that labor is on the way.
Physical changes that occur in a 37 weeks pregnant woman:
When you are 37 weeks pregnant, you may almost experience most of the labor signs, such as:
Contractions: Rather than the false labor contractions you’ve been experiencing in previous weeks, you’ll be experiencing true labor pains this week. As time passes, true labor contractions become stronger, more frequent, and last longer. During the initial period, these contractions may be 20 minutes apart, and after a few hours, they are 10 minutes or 5 minutes apart.
Water breaks: Oftentimes, water breaks occur after contractions, and sometimes water breaks start even before the contractions occur. You may notice fluid leakage from your vagina when the amniotic sac breaks. During this period, you need to immediately call your care provider.
Diarrhea: Diarrhea is the most common problem in women during the 24-48 hours prior to going into labor.
A sudden burst of energy: Sometimes women enter a nesting mode immediately before labor begins. Nesting is simply the occurrence of sudden exhaustion and an energy burst. You may have an uncontrollable urge to clean your house and make it ready for the upcoming year. Remember that you shouldn’t overdo any of the activities during this period, and you are going to need those energy levels to bear pains during your labor and delivery.
Bloody show: For first-time mothers-to-be, the mucus plug may be passed a few weeks prior to labor. When losing the mucus plug, you may observe stingy mucus tinged with red, brown, or pink blood.

Fetal development that occurs in a 37 weeks pregnant woman:
When you are 37 weeks pregnant, the baby is about 21 inches long and weighs about 6.5 pounds.
During this period, the baby begins the production of a hormone called cortisone to help the lungs mature enough to manage to breathe on their own. The baby acquires enough synchronization to grasp the things with its own fingers.
By this week, the baby’s organs have almost fully developed and have begun to function normally. Your baby’s lungs are now fully mature, and he or she is not considered premature even if delivered during this period. Pregnancy Health care
The growth of the hair on your baby’s head continues until birth. Fat deposition still continues this week and makes your baby look fuller.
The baby concentrates more on breathing, swallowing, and sucking in order to prepare for life outside the womb.
What care should be taken by a pregnant woman?
Have you heard about the non-stress test? It is performed in hospitals or birth centers to monitor the baby’s health using an external fetal monitor. Usually, this test lasts for 20 minutes to an hour. It helps identify the baby’s movements and heart rate.
A nonstress test is recommended for 37-39-week pregnant women with any of the following conditions:
- Gestational diabetes
- High blood pressure
- A post due to date pregnancy
- Sudden increase or decrease in the baby’s movements. Childbirth
Wearing a good supportive bra is critical as the breasts grow larger and fuller in preparation for breastfeeding. You may also use breast cream to avoid cracking or dryness of the nipples.
Have a wonderful pregnancy journey! Go on to know more about the exciting things during pregnancy week 38…