It’s time for your organs, muscles, and nerves to start working! When you are 8 weeks pregnant, the baby is now 6 weeks old. The first day of your last period was considered day 1 of your 280-day pregnancy, but the conception occurs during the third week of the monthly menstrual cycle.
Though you are 8 weeks pregnant, you may not even be showing yet and are most likely dealing with pregnancy symptoms. Want to manage morning sickness and other early pregnancy symptoms? Then read on to know more.
Symptoms experienced by an 8 weeks pregnant woman:
Feeling bloated? Bloating, indigestion and heartburn are some of the common symptoms during pregnancy. A slow digestive process is the main reason for such symptoms, making the circulatory system less likely to absorb the nutrition and permitting these to be transferred to the baby.
If you feel heartburn is very annoying and makes it difficult to eat, you can visit your healthcare provider. The doctor recommends an antacid; however, the most effective method to manage this condition is drinking lots of water and consuming the food in small amounts.
You may experience cramping in the middle of the first trimester, which continues for a few weeks. For 8 weeks pregnant women, the severity of cramping is mild and won’t cause any damage to you.
The lower back is the most common problem during pregnancy. Especially it is more severe during the second and third trimesters. The main reason for lower back pain is the force of the uterus on the lower portion of the spine.
Occasionally, you may also experience a sharp ache in your buttocks and the sides of the thighs due to the pressure of the uterus on the sciatic nerve. When you feel more discomfort with this condition, you must take enough rest and consider physical therapy.
You may feel more tired with the increased blood flow and the increased nutrients needed. You should understand that more cravings for food can be linked with nausea. Eat the best and don’t put the stomach stressed by ingesting more food.
When you are 8 weeks pregnant, you may also experience water retention. So, wear comfortable clothing and footwear to avoid the condition. Three Months Pregnant
Physical changes that occur:
You may notice a slight increase in your waistline, but you are probably not showing it. When you press the abdomen, you may feel your enlarged uterus which is about the size of a softball, during this week. The changes are most apparent for the women who are pregnant for the second time because the abdominal wall is thinner in their case.
Your breasts may have grown large enough, so you’ll need bigger bras to offer better support.

The increased size of the uterus may cause slight discomfort over time. You need to consult your healthcare provider when you experience cramping along with mild spotting.
You may notice pimples on your face and back and some skin problems. First Trimester of Pregnancy
Fetal changes that occur in an 8 weeks pregnant woman:
Your baby is approximately 14-20mm (0.56 – 0.8 inches) in length and continues to grow quickly. This week brings many changes in your baby, such as the embryonic tail just about disappearing, and the baby’s muscles, nerves, and organs are beginning to function.
When you are 8 weeks pregnant, one of the great things about your baby is related to the brain. In the baby’s brain, nerve cells divide to join each other and structure primitive neural pathways.
Also, there will be great changes in your baby’s hands and legs. Hands start turning at the wrist, and the feet lose their webbed look.
Eyelids will develop and cover most of the eyes, and the tastebuds on the baby’s tongue will start to grow. And the external ears will appear by the end of pregnancy week 8.
During pregnancy week 8, the cells will be performed, which will later become testes or ovaries. Though there won’t be any noticeable sign of the baby’s gender, this is the period that decides the baby’s sex. Menopause
Muscle contractions will begin, but the movements are not yet visible. During pregnancy week 8, the lungs will start functioning, and the small respiratory areas emerge. The tubes linked to the throat and lungs begin to form branches.
Every woman should know that each child has its own pace of growth, so every development process is different.
What care should be taken by an 8 weeks pregnant woman?
- Consume smaller and frequent meals.
- Wear a comfortable bra, loose clothing, and footwear.
- Chew the food thoroughly and reduce the consumption of high-fat foods.
- Take enough rest and don’t stand for much time as it may increase abdominal cramping.
- Don’t take any medications without a doctor’s prescription.
- Take regular prenatal vitamins and don’t skip them for a single day.
You should remember that the more you care for yourself during your pregnancy, the healthier and safer the baby is during and after the delivery. So, to ensure a proper baby’s health, regular prenatal checkups are essential.
Stay away from environmental factors that can increase the risk of miscarriage. So, keep away from exposure to harmful chemicals and environmental hazards.
Have a fantastic journey of pregnancy!! Go on to know more about exciting things during pregnancy week 9…