The period to recognize the baby’s heartbeat, When you are 7 weeks pregnant, the fetal size is about the size of a small raspberry or a grape. This week brings several changes in you and your baby’s body, and you must start planning for days to come as well as for the arrival of the baby in your life.
During pregnancy week 7, you can either lose or gain weight. It is completely normal, and no need to worry about whether you gain or lose weight. When you are 7 weeks pregnant, you may experience cravings for specific foods and want to eat larger portions to fight the consequences of morning sickness.
Read on to more about the exciting features during pregnancy week 7…
Symptoms experienced by a 7 weeks pregnant woman:
During this week also, you may still have the symptoms of morning sickness. If this condition continues in the same manner, you won’t gain much more weight than very few pounds.
Constipation and irregular bouts of indigestion are most common during pregnancy week 7. You may also feel dizziness and lightheadedness, and sometimes headaches. Pregnant women already suffering from migraines should take the doctor’s advice for precise medication and avoid the foods that trigger these attacks. Sometimes, hormonal changes can also cause migraines.
Keep your eyes on the changes in your body, and if you notice anything strange, you should immediately consult your doctor.
Also, there is a great chance to notice spotting during this week. Most pregnant women consider it an indication of the period that didn’t occur, but it is caused by the embryo getting more connected to the uterus walls. Pregnancy symptoms
Physical changes that occur:
The rapid increase of progesterone hormone can make your face break out. Due to hormonal changes, acne and pimple come out on your face and back. It is completely normal for pregnant women and they will disappear after childbirth. So, drinking plenty of water and washing your face twice a day can make a face look fresh and decrease the occurrence of acne.
During pregnancy week 7, some important changes take place to the cervix. During this week, the body produces the mucus plug, which will structure at the entrance of the cervical canal and enclose the uterus for safety, keeping it there until childbirth.
In a 7 week pregnant woman, the uterus will increase in size; it almost becomes double than usual. When you are at the end of your pregnancy, the size of the uterus will almost become 100 times bigger than its usual size. Third Month pregnancy
The blood in your body will increase by 10%. The increase in blood flow and the increase in the uterus size can put great pressure on the bladder, causing the urge to urinate more frequently.
Knowing what to eat and what not to eat will help your baby’s healthy development. Pregnancy cravings are very natural for most women but don’t take the foods in large quantities, which will make you overweight during pregnancy. Some studies said that cravings indicate a lack of nutrients in your body, so eating a lot of fruits and green leafy vegetables is most important. Adolescent pregnancy
Fetal changes that occur in a 7-week pregnant woman:
The first facial features of the baby will start developing this week. The dark spots on the face will become eyes. The lens and retina will be formed within a few days. The formation of pits indicates the growth of nostrils and ears. This week, eyes and ears are the most recognizable features of your baby.
This week, mouth and tongue formation occurs, and there will soon be a tooth lining. The baby’s body starts the production of blood, and the bones will start to become hard and stiff.
This week also, your baby’s brain is rapidly developing. The liver is formed, and it starts the production of red blood cells. When you are 7 weeks pregnant, identifying your baby’s blood group is an interesting feature.
With the heart also, there is a major development taking place. The right and left chambers of the heart are formed, and when you perform the ultrasound scan, you can recognize the heart’s motion.
Changes in the trachea and esophagus will occur, differentiating the lung position on each side. Development of intestines will also take place during pregnancy week 7.
The cavity and passages essential for spinal fluid circulation will start developing. Your baby starts using the placenta as an excretory organ.
What care should be taken by a 7 weeks pregnant woman?
- Take prenatal vitamins as prescribed by the physician. B6 vitamin can help to relieve nausea and improve skin condition.
- Don’t keep your stomach either full or empty. Take ginger ale to reduce stomach discomfort.
- Practice yoga and meditation
- Concentrate on your breathing and energy levels
- Frequent rest will help to reduce fatigue
- Lemons, ginger tea, ginger snaps, or ginger roots will help to reduce morning sickness
- Follow a healthy diet and reduce the foods that have high fat and sweets
If you have any respiratory infections during pregnancy week 7, don’t take medications on your own. You should consult your doctor to know about the condition because taking any medication longer than 48 hours can cause damage to your baby.
Stay away from cat and dog litter. Any contact with the litter can cause toxoplasmosis that transmits through the placenta and causes significant damage to the baby.
Have a wonderful journey of pregnancy!! Go on to know more about exciting things during pregnancy week 8…