You are 32 weeks pregnant, which means you are now entering the 8th month of pregnancy. During this period, your uterus is 5 inches above the belly button.
For pregnant women carrying twins, the uterus is probably the same size as it would be at 40 weeks in a singleton pregnancy, and in the remaining two months, you are getting even bigger. A mother carrying twins or triplets, on the other hand, will not give birth until the ninth month. Most of the time, they deliver the babies during the 7th or 8th month of pregnancy.
Still, there are five weeks to go until the baby is considered full-term and can survive outside the womb. In the remaining two months, most of the growth associated with you and your baby is related to size. As your baby grows, your uterus is also increasing in size to accommodate the growing 32-week fetus.
When you are 32 weeks pregnant, you should understand more about posture changes. Try to stand up as straight as possible. Bad postures can result in pregnancy problems such as leg cramps and backaches.
During pregnancy week 32, more changes are happening with you and your baby. Read on to learn about what is happening to you and your baby. Chorioamnionitis
Symptoms experienced by a 32 weeks pregnant woman:
During the 32nd week of pregnancy, all the weight you are gaining is perhaps taking its toll on your body. Pain and aches during the third pregnancy trimester now become even stronger, and you may feel exhausted and worn out.
Back pain is the most common problem during week 32 of pregnancy. Physical and hormonal changes can cause a painful and achy back during the last trimester.
Fatigue is another annoying pregnancy symptom that will bother you until delivery. It is usual for most pregnant women to feel exhausted. Fatigue during the third trimester is especially due to the drastic increase in the pregnancy hormone progesterone. Progesterone helps your body prepare for the most difficult tasks of labor and birth.
Frequent urination is also the most common difficulty you go through during your pregnancy. This condition can contribute to insomnia during this period. The growing uterus puts great pressure on your bladder and makes you feel like you constantly have to go. These frequent bathroom visits can be very annoying and disturb your sleep. Placental insufficiency

Physical changes that occur:
From week 32 onward, your belly is getting bigger, as are your breasts. It is very difficult to see the knees and the belly button protruding out. As there is not much space between the breast and the start of the belly, it is most common to experience chest discomfort. Also, the weight of the breasts on your stomach will make you feel more pain. So, it is essential to wear the best supportive bra to prevent the sagging of the breasts and discomfort.
Some women may notice heat rashes underneath their breasts. They will become more aggravated with sweat. Using talcum powder, taking a cool shower, and practicing general hygiene help reduce the risk of a thrush infection.
Usually, during the third trimester, the mother’s weight gain affects the baby’s development. Some women may gain half a pound per week until the delivery. Sometimes, pregnancy edema can even add to the weight. If you notice a sudden or rapid increase in your weight or severe headaches, consult your doctor right away because these symptoms can lead to a variety of complications.
Fetal changes that occur in a 32-week pregnant woman:
When you are 32 weeks pregnant, your baby is about 18.9 inches long and weighs up to 4 pounds. During the next eight weeks, the fetus will gain the majority of its weight.
The baby is now busy spending most of its time swallowing, kicking, sucking, frowning, grimacing, and moving its little arms.
Now the baby can move the head up and down and from side to side. They can even open and close their eyes. These movements, however, will gradually decrease as the baby gains weight. You can observe these movements in your 32-week pregnancy ultrasound.
By this week, your baby will develop temperature sensitivity. A rapid kick will occur if you immediately place a hot pad on your stomach.
The baby has developed a strong immune system, and the lungs are continuing to develop. After this week, the baby’s five senses will start working.
Also, these two remaining months will bring about the growth of hair on your baby’s head. Toenails are also fully developed by this week.
A few types of research showed that, from the 8th month onward, your baby might also have REM sleep.
As each week passes, the amniotic fluid level will decrease, thus leaving space for your developing baby. When the baby is growing more and more, there will be much less room to move, so the movements will not be as strong as they were before.
What care should be taken by a 32 weeks pregnant woman?
If you feel that your back pain is becoming more severe, consider using a cold compress or heating pads around the painful region.
If you feel exhausted, taking frequent breaks from work and napping can help give you a much-needed boost of energy.
When you are tired of frequent bathroom visits, don’t think that you need to decrease water consumption. It is very important to stay hydrated, especially during the third trimester.
During your 32-week prenatal checkup, your doctor may order a urine test, a blood pressure check, and a tummy palpation. Make sure that you are monitored carefully during every prenatal visit.
Staying well-hydrated is very important during this period. Wearing high heels can aggravate back pain; additionally, sleeping in an elevated position and keeping your back supported whenever you sit can help to alleviate pain.
Have a wonderful pregnancy journey! Go on to know more about the exciting things during pregnancy week 33…