You may experience your baby’s movements, even if you’re a first-time mother. When you are 17 weeks pregnant you
may be starting to show. By this time, you may have gained approximately 5–10 pounds. Even if you have gained less or more at this time, don’t worry. You need to remember that the total weight gain during pregnancy should be between 25 and 35 pounds. Weight gain between these figures indicates that you are going to give birth to a healthy baby.
Soon you will be having another doctor’s visit. The visit usually includes an ultrasound scan and a general checkup for you and your baby. This week, there will be a better chance to clearly know the baby’s sex. Ask your partner to come along with you for the prenatal checkups, so the dad-to-be may feel like part of your pregnancy.
Are you feeling gas bubbles or little flutters in your stomach? These are your little one’s movements, but you may not clearly feel them. Still, there are many more exciting features happening this week. Continue reading to learn more… Pregnancy complications.
Symptoms experienced by a 17 weeks pregnant woman:
Sometimes, pregnancy can make you feel lightheaded and dizzy. So, you should be very careful about the things you are doing. Falling or being injured at this time will badly affect the baby inside you. Sometimes, it will be serious for both you and your baby.
Some women may experience heartburn while 17 weeks pregnant. As the uterus is growing, there will be very little space in the stomach. As a result, avoid larger meals as well as acidic foods. Sit up straight for a while after eating anything. Lying down with a full stomach can make your condition even worse.
Bleeding gums still might be a problem for you because of the increased blood volume and the little swelling of the gums.
Edema is another pregnancy symptom that bothers you. Your baby needs the fluids to be provided. Drinking more fluids and keeping the legs up can help decrease the swelling.
Physical changes that occur:
During this time, a few women may start to get off balance. As your belly size increases, your center of gravity will change, which makes you feel a little bit clumsy. You can wear tennis shoes or anything comfortable to help maintain your balance. Also, whenever you sit and get up, you need to make the moves gently and slowly.
Your body undergoes several changes when you are 17 weeks pregnant. Some of the physical changes are comforting, such as your fuller, bigger breasts and rounded belly. There are some other physical changes that can cause you little trouble, but they may last until the child’s birth.
Stretch marks are another physical change that you may notice during this pregnancy week. As the belly grows, the skin around the belly will stretch to accommodate the growing uterus. This can lead to the appearance of stretch marks. You can decrease their appearance by taking little care, such as applying lotions rich in vitamin E or taking vitamin E pills. Fruits leading to Miscarriage.

When the abdominal muscles stretch to make room for the growing uterus, you will notice a dark line called the linea nigra extending from the belly button to the vaginal area. After the child’s birth, this line will fade within a few weeks.
Skin pigmentation may increase in certain areas of the body during pregnancy, such as freckles and nipples. Also, you may notice some dark spots on your face; the condition is known as pregnancy mask or chloasma.
Fetal changes that occur in a 17 weeks pregnant woman:
When you are 17 weeks pregnant, your baby is about 5 inches long and weighs about 5 ounces. The baby is approximately the length of your palm.
The baby’s little limbs are in their relative positions, and they will continue the growth after this week.
The baby’s ears are developing, and they became a little more functional this week. He or she can actively hear the sounds. The various elements of the baby’s brain are developing to progress senses like hearing, smelling, tasting, etc.
This week, your baby’s bones will become stronger, and you can slightly feel your little one’s movements. Fingerprints and toe prints were also developed this week. Postpartum bleeding
The first bowel movement of the baby, called meconium, is stored in the colon. Your child can now absorb and digest amniotic fluid and store fat beneath the skin. This procedure will continue for several weeks. Fat stored under the skin can help to control the temperature after birth.
From this week on, the baby can move all the parts of his or her body, and you can clearly see them in a 17-week pregnancy ultrasound.
The umbilical cord gets thicker and longer with respect to the growing requirements of your baby. When the baby starts moving its body parts, especially its hands, he or she tries to hold the umbilical cord and even put it in the mouth and bite it.
For baby boys, the development of the prostate will start when you are 17 weeks pregnant. There is a protective layer called vernix that develops around the baby and acts as a membrane.
What care should be taken by a 17 weeks pregnant woman?
Undergoing a urine test is really important during this time. With the collected urine sample, your body’s blood sugar levels are estimated. A blood sugar test is important to know the existence of diabetes during pregnancy, also called gestational diabetes. Gestational diabetes affects approximately 2% of all pregnant women. With controlled blood sugar levels, women can have normal pregnancies as well as normal and healthy babies.
As stretch marks are common during pregnancy, you can avoid them by following some useful tips, such as: not gaining too much weight, applying a moisturizer that is rich in vitamin E, applying olive oil or almond oil, or taking vitamin E capsules. Eating a well-balanced diet along with a regular exercise regimen can help to avoid stretch marks. It will also help with postpartum weight loss.
Maintain a journal and include everything about your pregnancy, what you experience, and how you feel. Share your thoughts with the little one and enjoy the journey of your pregnancy. Remember that the positive attitude of a mother is most likely to influence the positive growth of your baby.
Have a wonderful pregnancy experience! Go on to know more about the exciting things during pregnancy week 18…