Are you excited to know how baby development occurs every month during your 40-week pregnancy period? Let’s take a look at what is happening inside your womb during pregnancy.

Month one of pregnancy:
The water-tight sac, also called an amniotic sac starts to form around the fertilized egg that helps to cushion the developing embryo throughout the pregnancy. The embryo will split into two parts. One is the placenta which transfers nutrients and oxygen from the mother to the growing baby and wastes from the baby begin to develop.

The other is the developing and growing embryo itself. Your baby’s mouth, throat, lower jaw, heart, backbone, digestive system, and spinal cord start to develop. Even blood cells take a shape and circulation begins. At the end of the first month of your pregnancy, your baby will be around 6-7mm in size.
Month two of pregnancy:
During week 5, your little one starts to develop facial features, arms, and even legs. Each ear starts as a fold of skin at the sides of the head. Eyes and finger toes also begin to develop during the second month of pregnancy. All the neural tubes in Baby’s brain, spinal cord, and other tissues of the central nervous system are well-developed.

The embryo starts to move, but the mother cannot yet feel it. Your baby, now known as a fetus, will be about 2.5 cm long and weigh about 1/3 ounce by the end of the second month of pregnancy.
Month three of pregnancy:
Your baby is completely formed by the end of 12 weeks of your pregnancy. Now your baby can have hands, arms and fingers, toes, feet, and even open or close its mouth and fists. When the external ears are formed fully, toenails and fingernails start to develop. The beginnings of teeth are developing. The urinary and circulatory systems start working and the liver releases bile.

Your baby also develops its reproductive organs but it is difficult to distinguish the baby’s gender through ultrasound. By the end of 12 weeks of your pregnancy, the baby will be about 7.6-10 cm long and weighs around 1 ounce. [Three Months Pregnant Symptoms]
Month four of pregnancy:
The baby’s fingers and toes are well-developed during the second trimester of pregnancy (months 4, 5, and 6). Baby might start sucking his thumb. Sweat glands and tooth buds are developing on soles and palms. Baby’s skin is transparent, bright pink, and covered with downy, soft hair. The nervous system starts to function at this point. By the end of 16 weeks of your pregnancy, your baby’s weight will be 4 ounces and 6 inches long. [Four Months Pregnant Symptoms]

Baby Development in Month five of pregnancy:
Your baby’s inner ear starts to function and can detect the sounds outside and inside the womb. Mother can feel flutters in the stomach as the baby’s fetal movements become smoother. Quickening is the first movement the baby makes.

Hair growth begins on the baby’s head and soft fine hair, called lanugo covers the baby’s back, shoulders, and temples.Vernix caseosa protects from exposure to amniotic fluid for babies. At the end of month five of pregnancy, the baby can weigh from ½ to 1 pound and will be about 10 inches long.
Month six of pregnancy:
During six months of pregnancy, your little one weighs almost 2 pounds now. He or she already begins practicing walking by cycling his or her feet and starts kicking you sometimes which happens right in the cervix. Now your baby has fully developed a strong grip at this point and he can close and open his eyes in response to light. Hiccups are common at this stage as your baby practices swallowing and the mother can feel it throughout the day. His or her vocal cords are fully functional. Your baby’s weight can range from a mere 2 pounds to up to 10 inches long.

Baby Development in Month seven of pregnancy:
Now your little one has fully developed his audible senses and can change his or her positions very often and even gives responses to stimuli that include pain, sound, and light. During the seventh month, your baby starts to trade in his or her wrinkled, skinny appearance. Fetus.

He begins to put on body fats not only to look cute in baby pictures but also needed to regulate body temperature and give energy deposits even after birth. Will your little one be creative or quiet? As your baby’s brain starts to develop as well as his personality too. You may also nourish your wishes or dreams of your baby right now by taking proper nutrition. Now your little one can weigh from 2-4 pounds and 36is cm long.
Baby Development in Month Eight of Pregnancy:
Your dear baby who now weighs around 5 pounds and is 46cm long continues to mature. You can also notice your baby’s kicks very often. Most of the internal organs are developed and at this point, he can hear and see as the brain starts growing rapidly. However, the lungs remain immature. [Eight Months Pregnant Symptoms]

Month nine of pregnancy:
At last, you are going to meet your daughter or son soon! Your little one’s rapid growth or development is going to end in week 36 and is now considered full-term. Now your baby’s weight is around 7 pounds and 46-51 cm long. [Nine Months Pregnant Symptoms]
Your baby is fully developed now and can even survive out of the mother’s womb. Lungs are mature. Baby’s reflexes can coordinate so that he or she will be able to blink, turn the head, close the eyes, grasp firmly, and even respond to light, touch, and sound. Baby positions down into the pelvis that is facing his head down towards the birth canal. At this point, your baby is ready to come outside.

The Big Day, you are waiting for is here and get ready to meet your little one!!