7 Months Pregnant Period- The Beginning of the Third Trimester!
Congratulations! Now you have entered into the last trimester of your pregnancy. You are just three months away to give birth to your little one. From this month onwards, you may feel discomfort while sitting or lying down because from this month onwards your belly will grow faster. You may become frustrated or overwhelmed but you should keep in mind that a positive mental attitude will greatly affect your baby’s health.
The energy and relief that you felt during the second trimester may start to disappear now. During this period, you can plan for a date with your partner to relax. You can even join childbirth classes. Also, during this month, make an appointment with your obstetrician to discuss the birth plan.
During this period, your doctor asks you to undergo a glucose screening test to check for gestational diabetes.
What happens to you when you are 7 months pregnant?
Increased belly size
From this month onwards, your belly size will grow more and more, so you may feel itchiness with the excessive stretching of the skin. Having regular baths and applying the moisturizer will help you to reduce itchiness.

Breast and Vaginal Discharge
From this month onwards, your breasts may start leaking a yellowish fluid called colostrum. Also, you may have an increased vaginal discharge. All these may make you smell differently during the pregnancy period. So it is very important to maintain good body hygiene, especially during pregnancy. Gene Expression
Braxton-hicks Contractions in 7 Months Pregnant Period
You might have had these contractions over the past few months. Don’t worry about these pains, contractions are the body’s way of practicing for upcoming labor. Usually, contractions start at the top of the uterus and gradually spread down. They last for a few seconds to several minutes. If you feel any discomfort with these contractions, changing the position will stop them from appearing. If you feel more painful and stronger contractions, you should contact your obstetrician. This is the sign of entering into labor.
Pelvic Pressure
The size of the growing uterus may put great pressure on the bladder thus causing frequent urination.
The other signs that you experience this month include fatigue, bleeding gums, tender or swollen breasts, shortness of breath, dizziness or lightheadedness, heartburn, constipation, lower back pain, leg cramps, mild swelling of feet, legs, and hands.
What happens with your baby when you are 7 months pregnant?
By the end of this month, your baby will be about 16 inches long and weigh about 3 pounds. This month there are many changes happening in your baby’s body.
Baby’s Hearing
During this period, your baby’s hearing system is fully developed. Also, the baby starts responding or changing the position to stimuli, such as sounds, light, and pain.
Development of eyesight and taste buds
This month, your baby’s eyesight becomes even clear. During an ultrasound examination, you can clearly observe how the baby opens and closes his/her eyes. Also, the taste buds of the baby are well developed and the baby can experience different tastes with the foods you ate.
Body Hair
The soft downy hair that covered the baby’s skin is now gone. From this month, the baby’s hair starts growing. By this month, eyelashes and eyebrows are well developed so that the baby looks like a newborn.
Lung Development
By the end of this month, your baby will have well-developed lungs so that he/she can survive outside the womb. As the lungs are the last major organs to mature, they will be developed until the birth of the baby.
Baby’s hearing system
By this month, your baby’s hearing system is well developed and now he/she can hear better and even the baby can distinguish certain sounds and voices. Some studies proved that too much sound may stimulate your baby inside the uterus, so it is better to keep the volume low.
What are the physical changes that occur in a 7 months pregnant woman?
The top of the fundus is halfway between the breastbone and belly button, displacing the stomach, intestines, and diaphragm. Now you will have heavier breasts and are also more glandular, which is a sign that they are getting ready for feeding. Usually, during the third trimester of pregnancy, breasts may start leaking colostrum, a nutrient-rich fluid that precedes real breast milk.

You may experience back pain and it will be a little more during the third trimester. Breast tenderness is also a common problem during this period, so make sure to wear a comfortable bra. Some pregnant women may also notice slight swelling in the hands and feet.
What care should be taken by a 7 months pregnant woman?
Enough fluid intake
Insufficient fluid intake can cause dehydration and keep you at the risk of preterm delivery. Enough fluid consumption will stimulate the cells and also increase your energy levels.
Correct sleep position
Sleeping on the left side with bent knees will improve blood circulation and this will ensure the baby’s comfort. Lying flat on your back will put great pressure on the vein that returns blood from the lower body to the heart. Lying on the back will reduce oxygen and nutrient supply to the baby.
Healthy Eating
Healthy eating is very important during any stage of pregnancy. From the third trimester onwards, your baby will gain the most weight. This is the time for bone growth and the production of red blood cells in your baby, so it is essential to consume calcium and iron supplements. For proper cell growth, it is important to consume protein-rich foods.
Take enough rest in 7 Months Pregnant Period
Avoid any kind of stress during pregnancy and get enough rest day and night. Avoid lifting heavyweight and standing for more time. Light exercises, a daily walk, and breathing exercises will help you a lot during pregnancy and they will ensure safe delivery.