Women who are trying to conceive are very attentive to the changes taking place through out their cycles of ovulation and menstruation. Although it is very hard to tell if you are pregnant at two weeks, it is not impossible. You should lookout for some telltale signs such as missed period or stomach cramps in the early days of potential pregnancy. Cramping and other changes are common in pregnancy and they do not require any medical intervention in most cases.
What Happens at two weeks?
Pregnancy is usually accounted from the last month’s first day of the onset of your period. In this case, when you say two weeks pregnant, it means you are in mid-menstrual cycle. This is around 11 to 15 days after having your last period. At this stage, you are ovulating and these days are considered fertile for you. Ovaries release an egg that has matured, into the fallopian tubes and is ready to be fertilised by a sperm. If this happens, the egg attaches itself to the wall of the uterus. This is the time when some women experience light spotting, accompanied by stomach cramps, known as implantation bleeding, meaning it happens at the moment you conceive.

Implantation bleeding and the cramping may last from a few hours to a few days. It does not happen to all women who conceive. If you experience cramping and notice light spotting after a week to ten days of your ovulation cycle, you may be pregnant. Following an ovulation calendar and using an ovulation test kit helps to know about your fertile days, when you have the most chances of conceiving.
Pinching and pulling in tummy
In the early pregnancy days, some women feel their stomach being pinched or pulled. It is experienced as stretching of the stomach muscles. These sensations are termed as abdominal twinges and are usually harmless.
Other reasons
When the egg is released in the middle of your menstrual cycles, you may still experience abdominal cramping known as mittelschmerz. This may not mean that you have conceived. The pain experienced is mostly similar to period pain and in some cases, it could just mean that your period is about to begin.
When you are actively trying to conceive and keep regular track of your ovulation cycle, you may tell pregnancy signs from as early as two weeks.