A lot of expectations generally pop up as soon as you find out that you are expecting. Apart from the would-be parents, expectations of extended family, friends and even neighbours start pouring in. Without even asking, you would be getting a list of free suggestions on what to eat, how much to eat, what not to eat and how certain foods are going to increase your chances of having a fair baby.
Perhaps this is the reason most expecting parents focus on fairness of the baby instead of overall health and wellbeing. The idea stems from the society’s projected image of a perfect baby. As future parents, you need to be wise and let not such frivolous things get to your mind. When you adapt a regular nutritious diet and exercise routine, be rest assured that your baby is going to be in the pink of health. Healthy babies are undoubtedly the cutest, thanks to their natural glowing complexion. Here are some foods that are considered healthy for you and your developing baby.
This fruit is well known for its many health benefits. It is a storehouse of antioxidants. Presence of vitamin C in huge amounts helps fight inflammation and in producing collagen, which helps with baby’s complexion. Also, vitamin E in avocados is very beneficial for skin and hair.

Dry fruits are usually recommended for expecting women because of their immunity development properties. Almonds are a rich source of vitamin E, which is good for healthy, glowing skin. They also provide other essential nutrients such as calcium, protein and magnesium. Almonds that have been soaked overnight and taken the next morning are considered more beneficial in providing necessary nutrients.

Coconut is full of health benefits for both the mother and the baby. Fresh coconut kernel is known to improve skin tone in babies. They are also recommended for pregnant women for their properties to relieve constipation and heartburn. Tender coconut water is the healthiest of all drinks on earth and probably the best gift for mankind! No need to elucidate on how it is great for glowing skin, right?

This is the best fruit that is recommended for the healthy development of baby during pregnancy. Get your daily dose of vitamin C from the humble orange and the added benefits of skin lightening properties as well.

Saffron is a spice that is known to improve skin fairness in babies. Pregnant women may take them from their third trimester, because the heat from saffron can cause upset stomach. Add just about 4 to 6 strands of saffron, preferably lightly crushed into hot milk and let it soak for sometime. You can consume this saffron infused milk before bed time.

Grapes are a rich source of AHA, which is good for skin complexion. Healing properties of grapes help relieve cramping during pregnancy. Some people prefer to have grape juice, but it is better to have fruits in their wholesome form than any other way (boiled, dehydrated). With juice, you lose nutrients. Being aware helps you choose right.

Berries are abundant in antioxidants which helps in improving skin tone. The antioxidant properties in berries help fight free radicals in the body, which are the main reason behind premature ageing. Strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, gooseberries, raspberries and even cherries are all good for a healthy pregnancy.

Remember to include vegetables, leafy greens, nuts and seeds in your diet, as they are beneficial in many ways. And keep in mind not to go overboard with any thing and try to have balanced, wholesome meals for the wholesome development of your baby.