12 weeks pregnant ultrasound scan is the most anticipated screening test for pregnant women. You can see your baby’s developmental stage images on the monitor while the doctor or technician probes over your belly.
Scanning is done to look for other essential things and to give you a chance to see your unborn child. Most parents view the scans of their babies as useful in evaluating the health of their uterus, fetus, and birth complications.
An ultrasound scan uses sound waves to take pictures of your unborn child, so it is safe to have one while pregnant.

What does a 12 weeks pregnant ultrasound scan reveal?
In the majority of cases, the results of this scan are normal. Sometimes changes can be an indication of a potential health risk for the mother or the baby. With the help of this scan, the doctor will be able to –
- Calculate your due date
- Check the progress of your baby
- Check the heartbeat of the baby
- Look for any physical abnormalities
- Check if your ovaries and uterus are healthy and not causing any issues in pregnancy.
- Check the positioning of the placenta and umbilical cord.
- Check if there is a sufficient amount of amniotic fluid in the uterus
The scan also helps in measuring.
- The nasal bone of the baby
- Nuchal transparency, which is the back of the baby’s neck. If this is of average thickness, it helps in ruling out health issues such as Down syndrome, which is very rare.
Your baby is almost here. All her features are primarily developed; from here on, the focus is on the growth and functioning of the organ systems. Find out more about the 12-week progress here. It is not possible to find the gender of your baby at this stage, as it is too early to identify. You will probably know about it the next time you go for your scan.