Every pregnancy is distinct from the others. The baby bump start showing in the first trimester. While, for some other women, it may appear in their second trimester.
Generally, most women’s belly bumps start to show at the end of the first trimester or the beginning of the second trimester. Although your body changes rapidly in the first trimester, you may not notice it physically.
Your baby’s growth is still in the initial stage. So, you may not see the difference in your stomach. But you may find many other symptoms like sore breasts, nausea, etc.
Your stomach starts to show typically in the second trimester. Initially, you were the only person to see the minute differences. But now, people around you can also notice the difference in your stomach.
Pregnant belly growth depends on many reasons as well. Some of the below-mentioned reasons may alter your belly bump growth as follows.
Pregnancy Sign- Baby Bump Start Showing
If this is not your first pregnancy and you have been pregnant, your stomach might start to show in the first trimester itself.
During your first pregnancy, your muscles and skin will be so firm and toned as it has never stretched. So it takes time for the pregnant belly to show.
But unlike the first pregnancy, your abdominal muscles have been stretched enough in the past. So your stomach shows in the first trimester itself in many cases. Meningitis
Pregnancy Sign ( Baby bump start Showing) – If you are going to conceive twins
If you are going to give birth to twins or higher-order multiples, your uterus has to grow large enough to accommodate the growing babies. So your stomach starts to show as early as six weeks in this case.
If you’re above 30
If you are above 30 years of age, in this case, your muscles are not so tight and toned. So we expect older women to tend to show belly bumps as early as their first trimester.
If you are tall
Usually, tall people have more abdominal space between the last chest rib and the hip. Since the uterus has more space to accommodate the baby, the belly bump may be less visible.
But in the case of short people, the abdominal space will be less, and their belly bump may appear more.
Bodyweight is also a reason for the belly bump to appear. Women with thinner waistlines may notice the belly bump growing early.
Whereas if you’re overweight, you may notice your baby bump start showing.
Bottom line
And, for some pregnant women, their baby bump may not be visible until the end of their second trimester. It may worry them whether their baby is growing well or not. But your belly size cannot simply decide the child’s health. The size of the baby bump depends on many factors like the position and size of the uterus, height, weight, previous pregnancies, etc.
So, as long as your doctor says your baby is healthy, you need not worry about the baby bump.