Cytomegalovirus in pregnancy is an infection that affects pregnant women; CMV is a virus that commonly affects many people and tends to remain in their bodies permanently. Most people don’t realize they infected because they don’t show any symptoms. If you have CMV during pregnancy, then there is a risk of passing this virus to your baby.
If you are a healthy person, then CMV shows no harmful effects. Adults and children usually recover quickly after experiencing minor symptoms. However, if your immunity is compromised and/or you had a recent transplant of bone marrow or organ, then the presence of CMV can cause serious complications, including death. The infection spreads to others when they come into contact with the body fluids of the affected person. It may not be possible to cure this condition completely, but medications can treat its symptoms.
Cytomegalovirus in pregnancy
Most people show no signs of CMV infection. Others may develop mild symptoms. Pregnant women are most likely to pass on the virus to the baby. The virus can reach the uterus and infect the developing fetus if left in your bloodstream. If a baby is infected in the womb, it is called congenital CMV. There is also a risk of infection in babies during birth or soon afterward through breastfeeding. This is known as perinatal CMV.

CMV in babies
Babies affected with congenital CMV usually have no symptoms at birth. Some of the babies may develop CMV symptoms later on. It can range from a few months to many years. This infection can lead to restricted development and issues with vision and hearing in later years.
Babies diagnosed with congenital CMV at birth and having symptoms may experience –
- Preterm birth
- Low birth weight
- Seizures
- Small head
- Liver issues
- Jaundice
- Pneumonia
- Skin rashes
- Spleen issues
- Lung problems