Cervical effacement symptoms are discussed. The cervix is thinning, stretching, and shortening to prepare for pregnancy. The cervix is situated at the lower end of the uterus and remains tightly closed throughout the pregnancy. It begins to efface and open up, so the baby can move through the birth canal.
The cervix is sealed at its opening end with the help of a mucus plug. Moreover, It helps protect the baby from germs, bacteria, and viruses that may reach the uterus.
In your advanced pregnancy stage, your baby moves down into the pelvis. This applies pressure to the cervix, which begins to loosen up and thin. Furthermore, this process may take several weeks to occur in some women, and in others, it may happen only during labor. How do you know whether your cervix is up and running?
Cervical Effacement Symptoms
Pelvic Discomfort
When the baby drops, you may feel pain and discomfort in your pelvis. This happens late in pregnancy, around 37 weeks gestation in most cases. In fact, the pain can be sharp or mild at times. Others may not experience any aches at all.
Loss of mucus plug
The pressure from the baby’s head makes the cervix lose. Alternatively, if it stretches, the mucus plug comes off as vaginal discharge. This may happen all at once or in small bits at different times. You may notice this, or you may miss it entirely. It is often a sign that labor is near.
Bloody show
Sometimes the stretching of the cervix may cause damage to the blood vessels surrounding it. This is seen as light vaginal spotting and is referred to as a “bloody show.” Usually, a bloody show occurs with mucus plug discharge, sometimes alone. In addition, it is common, and a hint of labor is approaching.
False contractions
Actually, Braxton Hicks contractions, also called false contractions, occur mainly during the second and third trimesters. On the other hand, they are not regular and do not increase in severity. Contractions of the cervix tend to soften it.
You must know that these symptoms may not always mean your cervix is effaced. Symptoms are common during pregnancy and may be accompanied by cervix effacement.