Ovulation is a natural process of the body by which a woman’s ovary produces an ovum for fertilization. But several women experience mild bleeding during their ovulation period, which happens about midway between menstrual cycles. Generally, bleeding during ovulation is harmless and will be caused by a decrease in estrogen-levels, which is often referred to as ovulation bleeding. In many instances, this ovulation bleeding happens about 14 to 16 days before your next period in a regular 28-day cycle. Ovulation bleeding differs from menstrual flow. The color of ovulation bleeding can vary from pink color to red and it lasts for 1 or 2 days.
Ovulation bleeding and pregnancy are often confused situations for most women. Ovulation bleeding can be mistakenly considered as an implantation bleeding, which happens when the fertilized egg in the endometrium into your endometrium whereas ovulation bleeding is caused by the rupture of the ovarian follicles when the egg is released. However, implantation bleeding is recognized as an early pregnancy indicator.

Do ovulation bleeding and pregnancy-related to each other?
Yes, ovulation bleeding is often a fertility indicator, which notifies that it is the time you and your partner should try for a baby. When you observe ovulation bleeding, this is a good time for you to plan having sexual intercourse. Planning sexual intercourse in the days immediately before ovulation may boost your chance of getting pregnant. But seek advice from your doctor to be sure that the ovulation bleeding doesn’t have a more serious cause. Ovulation will often occur right before ovulation or during the ovulation times. Sometimes, the ovulation bleeding can be combined with cervical mucus.
One way to recognize whether it is ovulation bleeding and pregnancy implantation bleeding is to examine your cervical mucus. You can find it to be clear in color and very stretchy. It is going to look just like egg white. During this period, you may spot the ovulation bleeding. This can be the most fertility period of your cycle and the good time to get pregnant. So, based on your menstrual cycle, for example, in a 30-day cycle, you may experience ovulation bleeding between the 14th to 16thday of the cycle.
Ovulation bleeding is a normal occurrence and there is no need for any treatment. If ovulation bleeding is associated with pain and severe discomfort, take safety measures and obtain medical support before the problem is further aggravated. Your doctor may suggest for an ultrasound image of pelvic internal organs, which can easily confirm the cause of ovulation bleeding.