Abortion is the surgical or medical termination of a pregnancy. The legal definition of abortion is the termination of pregnancy. Some women think about having an abortion when their lives or health are in danger or if their unborn children have severe birth defects. Before the procedure begins, there should be a disclosure of the risk of abortion.
It is estimated that 2% of women who have abortions experience major complications, and 10% of women experience immediate risks. Most complications will not be apparent for many days, months, or even years. Risks of abortion
Here are the Risks of abortion, which may also cause death:
Uterine Perforation
2 to 3% of abortion cases may find uterine perforation. After laparoscopic visualization, most of these conditions will remain undiagnosed. The risk of uterine perforation is high for women who have already given birth to a child and for those who will get general anesthesia during the abortion process. Damage to the uterus may cause complications in a later pregnancy and also cause problems that require a hysterectomy.

Placenta Previa:
Abortion can increase the risk of getting this condition in later pregnancies. Abnormal placenta development because of uterine damage can increase fetal malformation, excessive bleeding, and perinatal complications.
Liver, Ovarian and Cervical Cancer:
Women who have an abortion are 2.3 times more likely to get cervical cancer. Women who have had more than two abortions are 4.92 times more likely to have another. These increased cancer rates for aborted women can cause unnatural disruptions of hormonal fluctuations and harm the immune system through depression and stress.
Aborted women are four times more likely to die in the following years.
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