Vaginal pressure during periods is higher. Women are pretty familiar with the unpleasant experiences associated with regular menstrual periods. The side effects differ from woman to woman, but some symptoms are common, like sensitivity and pain in the lower abdomen, cramping, and the associated discomfort.
Hormones which are referred to as prostaglandins, are mainly responsible for causing pain during periods, but sometimes pelvic nerves tend to cause vaginal pain too, and this can extend to your thighs and hips as well. During the menstrual cycle, estrogen and progesterone levels change in the vagina, changing the pH levels. This can lead to soreness and pain in your genitalia.
What happens during periods?
Every month, your uterus starts to discharge its inner lining in the form of menstrual fluid through the vagina. It’s a regular function of the female reproductive system and can pass without any side effects in most women, but for some women, extreme pain may occur. The pain is usually at its worst in the first two days. Women can feel pain in the lower belly, legs, feet, and lower back. Sometimes it can be sharp and gripping due to muscle contractions.

These contractions usually enable the menstrual flow during periods. However, if a woman suffers from period pain, caused by a surge in prostaglandins, the contractions tend to be stronger and the pain, more severe. Now, why some women experience such extreme levels of discomfort remains unknown.
What causes vaginal pressure?
There is a constant, dull ache associated with menstrual flow. It feels as if there is continuous pressure down there. The main cause of this is periods, though in a few instances, it might also point to another underlying problem. The presence of a fibroid in the vagina causes extreme pain and pressure. These are formed in the uterus and can be treated using medication or may need surgery, depending on the level of severity. Vaginitis is another condition that can lead to vaginal pressure pain during periods. Yeast infections affect the vagina. Although vaginal pH levels fluctuate during periods, vaginitis can happen at any time and is more obvious during those times. You must seek medical advice to evaluate the cause and receive the necessary medication.
If your symptoms are unusual and the discomfort keeps growing, you should consult your doctor for proper evaluation. It is better to seek help than to suffer. You may find an alternative that works for you.