Yes, studies show that ketosis during pregnancy has adverse effects on the fetus. Pregnant women are more likely to develop these adverse effects of ketosis based on their diet habits and lifestyle changes. Let’s know about the facts of ketosis during labor that can help you to take appropriate measures.
What does ketosis mean?
Ketosis is state of the body releasing ketones. In ketosis state, the levels of ketones in blood could be anything ranging between normal to high. Generally, the body uses a kind of sugar, glucose as its most essential energy source. When you don’t take enough foods containing glucose like carbohydrates, then your body is in high demand for sugars. Therefore, your body uses fat deposits as an energy source. Ketones are the chemicals produced into the blood stream and urine when your body breaks down the fats for energy, thus putting you in the state of ketosis. Usually, ketosis happens when your glucose intake dips are below 20g per day.

Ketosis and pregnancy:
Being in ketosis during pregnancy is not at all safe for a pregnant woman as it is dangerous for the fetus metabolism and life span. Planned and well-nourished diet plays a major role in pregnant women who are affected with ketosis.
Ketosis is said to be a potentially dangerous condition as very high levels of ketones in the blood turns blood acidic. The state of acidic blood is known as ketoacidosis that results in serious illness and medical issues in a relatively less period of time. Therefore it’s always suggested for those who are on low carb diet should maintain their body hydrated by taking sufficient amounts of water.
During pregnancy, your body undergoes many serious changes and would require plenty of nutrients, so don’t worry about restricting any calories. Pregnant women are recommended to consume protein-rich foods, good carbs, and healthy fats as running off low carbs; protein diet increases your risk of having ketosis state which is not safe for your little one who is still in the womb.
Pregnancy ketosis and toxemia are the results of high carbs as a demand for multi fetuses in late pregnancy. The kids need more amounts of carbs in the last trimester. When the demand for carbohydrates exceeds the supply, fat is metabolized into sugars for energy. The metabolic requirements of the fetus are what cause the ketosis state.
Ketosis and labor:
The work of labor means a woman’s body requires high-energy needs and depleting her preserves of available glucose and glycogen very fast. If she is in ketosis state, she feels lethargic and very weak, develops fever and has a very fast pulse. Even her uterus does not support to contract thus the labor becomes slow and prolonged or pre-labor.