Implantation bleeding can be very similar to regular periods. So, it is easy to mistake it for your monthly period.
What is Implantation Bleeding?
Implantation bleeding is a phenomenon that occurs during the week after you ovulate. You may also calculate it from three weeks since the date of your last period. This bleeding occurs when a fertilized egg implants into the uterine wall of the woman. Implantation bleeding is the first confirmed sign of early pregnancy.
Implantation bleeding is generally brownish or pinkish in color and will occur almost at the time when your period is due to come. It is easy to differentiate between implantation bleeding and period due to the lack of other symptoms that are generally associated with the menstrual cycle. Implantation bleeding comes with no cramps, no irritability, and no breast tenderness, unlike the normal period cycle. Also, the blood is usually darker than the normal menstrual blood and the amount of implantation bleeding is quite less as compared to menstrual bleeding that goes on for days.
Normal Period or Implantation Bleeding?
Whether or not you want to be pregnant, the only real way to confirm is either wait for your normal periods to start or take a pregnancy test. If you think what you had was an implantation bleeding, take a test to be sure. However, in some cases, it may show as negative even if you are pregnant due to the low HCG levels in your body. Wait for a few more days visit a doctor to be completely sure.
Remember, that only 1/3rd of the women experience this phenomenon of implantation bleeding. If you suspect pregnancy or had unprotected intercourse, just because you did not have implantation bleeding, does not mean that you are not pregnant. Implantation bleeding may or may not occur as a sign of pregnancy.
Keep a Check
Keep a tab on your last menstrual date and your ovulation period. In case you are planning for conception, this would help you to identify the symptoms and come to a conclusion. In a few cases, after being tested positive, if the bleeding continues, it may be a sign of worry. The normal implantation bleeding occurs in a very less quantity and lasts only for a day or two. In most cases, it is no more than just spotting. But if your bleeding is continuous and you have tested positive for pregnancy, it is time to go to a doctor and get yourself thoroughly checked. It may be a sign of early miscarriage.
While implantation bleeding is an existing phenomenon, most women never experience any such symptoms whatsoever. There are also cases of women having regular periods throughout their pregnancy. Symptoms are never the same; it differs for one woman to another. The best way to ease your worries and know the exact status of your pregnancy is to take a test or go to a doctor.