Binge eating during pregnancy poses a host of many health problems. Studies found that most women gain more weight than required during pregnancy. Overeating on the false excuse of eating for two can lead to other issues. So, expectant mothers need to watch their weight by following a balanced diet and exercising regularly. The suggested measure of extra calories required for pregnant women during the second trimester is 340 calories, and during the third trimester, you need 450 extra calories. Pregnancy week by week
Why should you prevent binge eating during pregnancy?
Excessive weight gain
Overeating during pregnancy may lead to weight gain, resulting in leg pain, back pain, and excessive pressure on the joints.
Gestational Diabetes
Overeating and excessive weight gain can put a pregnant woman at a greater risk of developing gestational diabetes. A pregnant woman’s increased blood sugar levels increase the baby’s insulin and blood sugar levels. These high levels make the baby store fatter, thus putting the baby at risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes.
Emergency Cesarean sections
Consuming too many calories during pregnancy can affect your baby’s weight. So the possibility of giving birth to a large baby increases. This can increase the chances of having a cesarean section. Necrosis
In the later trimesters of the pregnancy, the growing uterus can contract the digestive tract. This puts more pressure on the stomach and intestines. Overeating during this phase may increase indigestion and cause heartburn.
Problems for your unborn baby with binge-eating during pregnancy
Due to overeating, your baby is also prone to gain more weight. This causes difficulties at the time of delivery. Larger babies are also more susceptible to respiratory distress, low blood sugar, obesity, etc., after birth.
Postpartum weight loss
A woman can lose weight quickly after delivery if she gains a healthy weight during pregnancy. But if you gain, excessive weight, you will have a tough time losing it.
You may develop bad habits.
There is a possibility of developing a new habit of binge eating. If you cannot turn off the habit of binge eating even after your pregnancy, it can result in additional health issues.
How can you control binge eating during pregnancy?
Excessive weight gain is not recommended during pregnancy. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t eat when you’re hungry. To maintain a healthy weight, eat healthy and nutritious foods, exercise regularly, and avoid binge eating during pregnancy.
- It is very important, to be honest with your doctor about your eating habits before and during pregnancy.
- Always ensure to keep yourself hydrated. As a dehydrated body craves more food.
- Stick to a healthy diet plan. As junk food does not have any nutritional value and makes you fat
- Sometimes overeating can also happen due to an emotional response. Meditate or listen to music to relieve your stress and anxiety.
Be aware of the risks of overeating. This can help you to have a smooth and healthy pregnancy.