1 week Pregnancy symptoms are something we all wish to know, and yes, in medical terms, fertilization can happen only after 14 days from the first day of your last menstrual cycle. The process by which an egg from a female and sperm from a male combine is called fertilization.
After 6 to 7 days of fertilization – called conception – the implantation process starts. During implantation, the fertilized egg sticks to the lining of the uterus.
How To Identify Pregnancy with Pregnancy Symptoms
The easiest way to check pregnancy at home is by taking a pregnancy test. The test involves urinating on a small test strip, and it shows a symbol within a few minutes, either positive or negative.
This test measures a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) in your urine. From the moment of conception, this hormone is produced in your body.

But, the amount of HCG present in your body is not sufficient to show up in the test. It takes at least three weeks for the HCG to appear in your urine.
You will get a negative result even if you are pregnant if you take the test before three weeks. So, it’s best to wait until you miss your period to take this test.
Common Pregnancy Symptoms in Week 1
Each pregnancy is different from the others. Some women might not even face any symptoms during the early pregnancy. While some may face symptoms. Some of the common symptoms include –
The egg’s movement may break down blood vessels within the uterus during implantation. It may cause bleeding known as implantation bleeding. Unlike menstrual bleeding, implantation bleeding appears as a small spot or pink discharge.
Some women might also feel cramps in this stage. They may experience cramps in the abdomen, pelvis, or lower back.
Many women experience fatigue (feeling tired) during early pregnancy. It is due to the increased production of progesterone, a hormone in your body. Fatigue is common in the first trimester, and it gets less in the second trimester.
Sore Breasts
You may feel soreness in your breasts due to the increased hormones during early pregnancy. It gets reduced as your body gets habituated to these changes.
Food Cravings
Food cravings and constant hunger are very common in pregnancy. Some women may even experience food aversion. They suddenly don’t like the food they liked before and vice versa.
You may experience headaches and dizziness during this period. You may feel dizzy due to hormonal changes and the increased blood volume in your body.
Mood Swings
Mood swings are common throughout the pregnancy. Because your body changes throughout the pregnancy, you will experience mood swings more often.
Bottom line on Pregnancy Symptoms
Above mentioned symptoms are also common in a typical menstrual cycle. You may miss a period and have sore breasts and cramps even if you are not pregnant.
So if you miss your period, and think that you may be pregnant, take a pregnancy test to know the result.
If your results are positive, confirm an appointment with a doctor to confirm your results.