Most of the mothers do not get to know the real reason behind their loss of pregnancy in the early stages of conception. Early miscarriage is a natural death of an embryo or fetus in the womb. Medically termed as spontaneous abortion (SAB), this typically occurs during the first half of pregnancy and the condition is not an abortion in the common definition of the term. Miscarriage is one of the most common complications associated with early pregnancy. Sadly, around a quarter – or even more – of all pregnancies result in miscarriage.
While most of the women blame themselves for this but miscarriage is rarely caused by something the pregnant woman did. It must be noted that intercourse, exercise, mild falls, the emotional state of a mother or most medications are not the reason behind miscarriage.
The actual reason for a miscarriage is varied and most often, the cause cannot be identified. But there are some causes that make miscarriage more likely in general. One reason can be chromosome abnormality. It happens when the embryo or fetus has a chromosome that causes it to develop abnormally. Sometimes, when the egg and sperm meet, one or the other is faulty and due to which the chromosomes can’t line up correctly. In such a case, the consequential embryo has a chromosomal abnormality and the pregnancy usually results in a miscarriage. Uterine abnormalities like a structural defect in the cavity of the uterus that interferes with the blood supply to the uterus can also cause miscarriage. Scar tissue or uterine fibroids can also result in causing late miscarriages.

Some bacterial and viral infections like HIV, rubella (German measles) can contribute to a miscarriage, particularly in the second trimester. Also, severe chronic illness such as poorly controlled diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, or lupus can be a major reason behind miscarriage. The rate of miscarriage also increases with the age of the mother. The older you are, the more likely it is that your developing baby will have a chromosomal deformity. At the age of 30, your body is at risk of miscarriage ratio of one in five. At 42, your risk is one in two. The presence of certain complex antibodies like Antiphospholipid, antibodies that attack one’s personal tissue, including the embryos that result in many miscarriages and it is yet unexplained by most of the physicians.
Miscarriages can also occur due to poly cystic ovary syndrome which is a condition where the ovaries are too big, that cause hormonal imbalances in the womb. Problems with the placenta also may account for a significant number of later-term miscarriages. Lifestyle factors such as a habit of smoking, drinking alcohol, using illegal drugs or even consuming more than 200mg of caffeine a day can also lead to miscarriage.
Other causes include incompetent cervix, severe kidney diseases, and malnutrition problems. High dose radiations and chemotherapy are also known toxins can cause pregnancy loss. Industry employees working with chemicals, such as dyes, metals or solvents are at a greater risk of a miscarriage.