Bed rest is common during pregnancy in order to ease particular pregnancy complications. Bed rest will certainly vary from woman to woman and may range from simple periodic resting at home to complete bed rest and monitoring in a hospital. Several health care providers may recommend bed rest for a variety of reasons.
Here is a list of bed rest during pregnancy reasons:
It is also known as toxemia and it is often precluded by pregnancy-induced hypertension. A potentially harmful condition that is characterized by elevated blood pressure, protein in the urine and also inflammation in the face and feet. Clinical bed rest is often prescribed for serious preeclampsia, making sure that mother may be continuously checked.
Cervical changes:
Your doctor can prescribe bed rest if you experience excessive cervical changes like cervical effacement and incompetent cervix, during pregnancy.
- Cervical effacement: It is a condition in which the cervix gradually softens, shortens and becomes thinner.
- Incompetent cervix: It is a condition in which the cervix begins to open before the baby is ready to born and it can lead to a miscarriage and early delivery.
This is the most common bed rest during pregnancy reasons and is usually suggested if the shortening occurs early in the second trimester.
Vaginal bleeding:
Vaginal bleeding can often be caused by placenta previa or abruption placenta. Vaginal bleeding in the first 3 months may lead to miscarriage. If you notice vaginal bleeding in the second and third trimester, you may be suggested for bed rest.
Premature labor:
A common reason for bed rest is usually premature labor that occurs in 12 percent of pregnancies. Premature labor is also called pre-term labor. During this period, your baby is born prior to 37 weeks of pregnancy, as a result, he or she may face significant health issues throughout life. If you are at high risk of premature labor, your doctor may prescribe you for bed rest.
If you are having twins or multiples and develop any health problem, your doctor may advice you for bed rest. Bed rest may be prescribed to ease a possible health risk to the mother and the babies.
History of complications:
When you have a history of serious pregnancy complications like stillbirths, premature births, and miscarriages, your doctor will recommend it as bed rest during pregnancy reasons and accordingly advice for your safety as well as the safety of the newborn.
Gestational diabetes:
Gestational diabetes is a short-lived type of diabetes during which the body will not generate sufficient amounts of insulin to deal with sugar during pregnancy. With proper bed rest and treatment, women who have gestational diabetes may deliver a healthy baby, and also diabetes will vanish following the delivery.
Placenta previa:
Placenta previa is a condition in which the placenta connects in the lower portion of the uterus, obstructing the cervix and also the baby’s way out of the womb. This condition is diagnosed by ultrasound, so based on the condition, your doctor may suggest for bed rest to reduce the downward pressure on the placenta and cervix.
Low amniotic fluid:
Amniotic fluid provides support that helps to protect your baby from injury and makes it possible for baby movements as well as growth. If you are diagnosed with low amniotic fluids, your medical professional carefully keeps track of and suggests for bed rest that helps to avoid complications.
Weak fetal development:
If you are a woman who spends your day by actively participating in various activities and neglecting food consumption, then it will finally result in poor fetal development. During such cases, your doctor may recommend proper food consumption and proper bed rest to ensure the safety of your baby.