Ovulation cycle days is a companion for any woman who either wants a pregnancy or wishes to prevent one. Knowing the ovulation days can help you conceive faster or prevent becoming pregnant.
But frankly speaking, you don’t need to know when you are ovulating to get pregnant. Having frequent sex all throughout the month can be a good idea and also less stressful. Having sex for two days prior the ovulation can considerably increase the chances.
Knowing the ovulation cycle days can also help you to predict your next period. This knowledge will help you decide whether or not your period is late or whether it is worth to take the pregnancy test. However, it is not an easy task to find out the ovulation cycle days. There are various signs and symptoms of ovulation through which you can find out the exact fertile days. During this period, you will notice larger amounts of cervical mucus. Along with this, some other symptoms include ovulation pain and increased sexual desire.
You will find several methods to determine the exact fertile days. Try those methods until you find the best method that suits your menstrual cycle and lifestyle. Here are the tools that can help to detect the ovulation cycle days:
Charting your Basal body temperature (BBT):
BBT is the body’s temperature during the rest position. BBT is the temperature that you take prior getting up from the bed in the morning. During the ovulation period, the levels of progesterone hormone will increase, which again raise your BBT. When you chart all these details, you can find out when you are ovulating.
Ovulation predictor kits:
Ovulation prediction kits can greatly help to determine your fertile days. They work similar to the pregnancy tests, in which you need to place a urine sample on the stick or strip of a paper. Unlike the pregnancy test kits that can only be used once, ovulation predictor tools can be used for several days in a row. When you observe the dark test like than the control line, your ovulation will occur in the subsequent 48 hours.
Women with irregular periods, when using ovulation kits, they may not get accurate results. Also, these tests show incorrect results for women with PCOS because PCOS can disturb the levels of LH hormone, which is the thing used by ovulation predictors. Normally, an increase in the LH level indicates you are near to ovulation.
Cervical mucus:
Other than ovulation days, you will have thick and sticky cervical mucus. When you are near to ovulation, the vaginal discharge changes, becomes ampler and appears as raw egg whites. It helps the sperm to easily travel into the reproductive tract. After the ovulation cycle days, the cervical mucus dries up and becomes sticky.