There are two main kinds of abortion: medical and surgical abortion. In case you are interested in the medical facts about abortion, it is good to know that in this case, women have to take two pills that will induce abortion. In fact, the whole process is something like having a natural miscarriage.
Who can have an abortion?
In order to have a medical abortion, your doctor has to give you the green light. Usually, women under the age of 50 can have it, who had their last menstrual period within the last 49 days.
Before you have the abortion, your doctor will run some tests to determine the fetus’s gestational age. Medical Facts about abortion
To have the abortion you will have to take a combination of two medications. First, you will have to take Mifeprex which blocks progesterone that would maintain the pregnancy. Then you have to take misoprostol, that will make the uterus contract, expelling the pregnancy tissue.
Complete Medical Facts about Abortion
When thinking about the medical facts about abortion, it is important to know that the chances of having a complete abortion are between 95% and 98%. If a woman does not have enough time to get pregnant, she will need to have an abortion through suction. abortion facts

What to prepare for?
When it comes to the truth about medical abortion, you should know that while it may seem like the easy way out, there may be more to it than you would think. It involves a lot of bleeding, which is heavier than menstrual bleeding, and there are some side effects as well.
Side effects
The women thinking about the medical facts about abortion should also consider the side effects. These include gastrointestinal discomforts, such as nausea, cramps, and diarrhea, weakness, dizziness, headaches, and chills. Nonetheless, the women who opt for this method feel like they made the right choice.
Concluding Lines on Medical Facts About Abortion
The truth about medical abortion includes the fact that millions of women have had this kind of abortion with success, and they say that if they had to, they would do it again. The medications were approved by the FDA.
As you can see, the facts about abortion tell you that having an abortion isn’t the end of the world.